信仰宣言 Statement of Faith

信仰宣言- Statement of Faith -

我們相信神透過祂的創造,祂的話語(聖經),及祂的兒子耶穌基督,來顯明祂自己。 We believe that God reveals Himself to us through His creation, His word (the Bible) and His son Jesus Christ.

我們相信有一位神,永恆地以三個位格存在,即聖父,聖子及聖靈。 We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

我們相信我們的主耶穌基督擁有神性,相信祂是童女所生,相信祂有無罪的生命,相信祂行神蹟,相信透過祂流出的血來替代我們救贖我們,相信祂的身體復活,相信祂升天至聖父的右手旁,相信祂的再來。 We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father and in His Second Coming.

我們相信我們得救是單靠神的恩典,藉由相信耶穌是我們的主及救主。 We believe that we are saved by grace alone through faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

我們相信人,在他的天然人條件下,是一位罪人及與神遠離的。這罪人處在一個情況之下:就是在領受罪得饒恕及重生之前,必須要為他的罪悔改。 We believe that men in his natural condition is a sinner and alienated from God. That the sinner must repent of his sin before he is in the condition to receive forgiveness of sin and regeneration.

我們相信藉由信徒從心底相信因著基督的血,在聖靈同在的服事中,可以從一切的罪中得潔淨,並有能力過一個敬虔,及得勝一切惡者勢力的生活。 We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose application of the blood of Christ to the heart of the believer, he is cleansed from all sin and enabled to live a godly life, victorious over all power of evil.

我們相信在基督裡所有的信徒有屬靈的合一。 We believe in the spiritual unity of all the believers in Christ.

我們相信,基督徒的生命旅程會持續地在恩典中成長,及透過應用神的話及倚靠聖靈的能力,會有生命的轉化。 We believe that the walk of a Christian should be one of continual growth in grace and transformation through applying God’s Word and relying on the power of the Holy Spirit.

我們相信二個聖禮:洗禮,這是新的生命的外在表徵。聖餐,同時也是在基督裡的信仰的外在表徵。我們相信教會是委身在全世界的基督身體當中。 We believe in two sacraments: Baptism, which is the outward sign of the new birth, and the Lord’s Supper, which is also an outward acknowledgement of faith in Christ. And the commitment to the worldwide body of Christ, the church.