Vision 2024 :
Read God's Word – receive God's Revelation.
For this year (2024), the Lord put on our hearts to hear His voice through His Word. We not only want to read the Bible to understand its content, but we want to receive revelation, which means we will understand something that is related to our life and our current situation. We can also call it a “Rhema Word” – a personal word from God to us! In this season we are bombarded with all kinds of information. Especially in social media, we never know what is true or false, what is written by real people or by AI. The world and our lives become more and more complex. Therefore, we need to be rooted in God’s Word. Psalm 119:105 says “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” When we read the beginnings of the Bible, we often are amazed how deep the Word of God is written. Stories of Cain and Abel, or of Joseph and his brothers can reveal God’s answers for many of our personal or social problems today. Let us dedicate this year 2024 to hear God’s voice to our lives in a deeper way and thus experience a transformation through the revelation and love of our Heavenly Father! It’s never too late to start reading God’s Word with our
Bible Reading Plan!
January 2024, Pastor Johannes
2024年異象:閱讀神的話 — 領受神的啟示!
2024年,神給我們一個感動要透過祂的話來聆聽祂的聲音。不僅是要讀聖經了解內容,更要領受能明白我們生活中或目前處境上相關事情的啟示。這樣的啟示也稱為"神的道/Rhema Word"— 就是神要對我們個人所說的話!在現今時代,我們被各種資訊轟炸。特別是在社群媒體,我們永遠不知道何為真假,抑或內容是由真人還是AI(人工智慧)所撰寫。世界和我們的生活變得越來越複雜。因此,我們需要紮根於神的話語。詩篇119:105提到『你的話是我腳前的燈,是我路上的光。』當讀到聖經的起頭,總是會為神話語的深奧感到驚嘆。透過該隱和亞伯,或約瑟和他兄弟的故事,進而向我們揭示神對現今許多個人或社會問題的答案。讓我們在2024年致力於更深地聆聽神對我們生命所要說的話語,透過天父的啟示和愛來經歷轉變!跟著我們的 讀經進度表 開始閱讀神的話,永遠不嫌晚!
Vision 2023 :
Depending on the Spirit of God
Not by might, nor by power,
but by my spirit,
saith the LORD of hosts.
2023 異象 : 倚靠神的靈
萬 軍 之 耶 和 華 說 :
不 是 倚 靠 勢 力 , 不 是 倚 靠 才 能 ,
乃 是 倚 靠 我 的 靈 方 能 成 事 。
Vision 2022: Walking together
Again, this vision seems simple at the first glance. However, after the shaking of the COVID19 season, the family of God needs to return to the oneness which our Heavenly Father desires. For Dayspring Church, this means to align to our values of worship, God’s Word, unity, as well as serving and reaching out to this new generation.
Thanks to our RPG prayer groups, the fellowship and mutual ministry was upheld during the COVID19 crises. Even though we could not always meet physically, God worked in the hearts of those who followed His guidance.
Now is a time to regather and receiving a new wineskin with new wine. Things should not be as they were before. There is more clarity of what really matters. The world is so fragile, we cannot depend on the wisdom of this world.
Recently God spoke to us through Rom.15:1 “We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves”. There is a call for those who grew strong through these years to stand together in their position within the Body of Christ.
Practically speaking, our Cell Groups will be renewed and refined. In this new season we want to stand together, serve, and reach out to those who are seeking directions or stability in their lives. The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. If Romans 15:1 speaks to you, then stand firm on your position, no matter if you are a leader or a supporter. Bear with others, serve others, use your gifts, commit to our physical gatherings, come on time, pray with us before the Sunday Service. It is with those committed members that God can move Dayspring to a next level. Walking together includes a sacrifice. As Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane, “not my will, but your will be done”, so this should also be our prayer. Walking together will enable us to truly love one another and please the Father’s heart. When His glory will be tangible, we will be a testimony for many new friends who seek meaning in life.
For those who feel stagnation in their lives, God will challenge you to become active in ministry. Turn from “expecting” to “providing”, from “passivity” to “action”, from a spectator to a participant.
As we walk together, join us each Sunday, worship with us, pray with us, make it a priority in your life for you and your family. Also, join a cell group and become an active part of the Body of Christ by investing your life in God’s Kingdom.
God is building His Church! And you can be part of it!
最近上帝用 羅馬書 15:1 我們堅固的人應該擔代不堅固人的軟弱, 不求自己的喜悅 對我們提醒,要呼召那些多年來越發成長堅固的人在他們的位子上,同時也是在基督的肢體上一同站立〪
實務上,我們將會更新我們的小組〪在這個新季節中我們想要一同站立,服事,並向那些在生命中尋找方向和穩定的人傳福音〪要收的莊稼多,作工的人少〪如果 羅馬書15:1也對你的心說話,那麼就在你的位子站穩,不論你是小組長或是支持者〪一同承擔,服事彼此,使用你的恩賜,委身在團契/聚會裡,準時出席,參與主日的會前禱告〪正是有了這些委身的人,上帝將提升晨光教會到下一個層次〪同行包括了獻祭〪如同耶穌在客西馬尼園的禱告,“不要從我的意思,只要從你的意思”,這也應該成為我們的禱告〪同行將使我們能真實的相愛,並使父神的心喜悅〪當祂的榮耀彰顯時,我們將成為那些尋找生命意義的新朋友們的見證〪
vision 2021
“Out of the basement”. When I received this word, I didn’t want to interpret it right away. In the natural it might mean that we will find a new place for worship in order to leave this basement facilities. On the other hand, it could be interpreted spiritually, meaning that we are not primarily serving within the 4 walls of our church, but go out to preach the gospel, connect with other churches, and serve for the Kingdom of God to come to our city, nation, homes and marketplace.
This vision therefore, demands our prayer and discernment, so when we see doors opening or opportunities arising, we will move according to the will of God for Dayspring. Let us all be alert and sensitive to God’s leading, so we can continue to walk together and experience how God is building His church!
Pastor Johannes Kuehhorn, March 2021
異象 2021
Vision 2020: Building Up The Next Generation
Psalm 127:
1. Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.
2. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat
— for he grants sleep to those he loves.
3. Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.
4. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.
5. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents
in court.
God spoke to us already during the year 2019 about focusing on the “next generation”. This year is the 20th year anniversary of Dayspring Church. Those of us who were part of the beginning years of the church planting realized that we grew older. There is a desire to walk together with the next generation, but we need to learn to understand them and cannot just lead them with our own expectations. Without the next generation, our church will die down. Without young leaders, we will lose strength. However, we need to be willing to give young people space to grew, not criticizing them when they make mistakes, but stand with them as they make their own experiences on their way to maturity, just like we did before. Building up a new generation means also, many of us need to become spiritual fathers and mothers, with a heart to love and cover the next generation. We need to make room for them and even learn from them. I personally decided to come back to the leadership team of the youth ministry. Every Saturday evening, I mingle with the young people, laugh with them, cry with them and grow with them. I believe that God allowed many brothers and sisters in Dayspring to grow mature and have the same desire for our future, to build up the next generation.
Pastor Johannes (2020)
晨光教會2020異象- 興起下一個世代
Vision 2020: Building up the next generation.
1. 若不是耶和華建造房屋,建造的人就枉然勞力;若不是耶和華看守城池,
2. 你們清晨早起,夜晚安歇,吃勞碌得來的飯,本是枉然;
3. 兒女是耶和華所賜的產業;所懷的胎是他所給的賞賜。
4. 少年時所生的兒女好像勇士手中的箭。